Proper facial structure and posture
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People before industrial civilization did not get impacted wisdom teeth. An indigenous diet is important. Shilajit resin and sea moss daily.
Do not allow babies to become mouth breathers.
Image 3. Basic differences in facial development of (top) a nose- and (bottom) a mouth-breather.
Image 4. Skull of a pre-industrial human being with a spacious jaw and all molars fully in place. People before industrial civilization did not get impacted wisdom teeth. Male skull shown is from a 14th century church in Oslo. Note lack of crowding and absence of malocclusion. A, Skull with jaws; B, upper jaw arch; C, lower jaw arch. (Photos courtesy of American Journal of Orthodontics and Dento-facial Orthopedics)
11 Easy Ways to Prevent Your Baby from Sleeping with their Mouth Open (sharingourexperiences.com)
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