Imagine a world where we all love each other. No more wars. No more division. Harmony. Peace. Unity. No more suffering. No more fighting over Earth’s resources or imaginary boundaries. Lots of singing and dancing tuned to the frequency of love. It’s really simple. Just go play outside. Love yourself.... Read More
It starts in school here in America. It is not an entirely bad thing, we don’t live in the jungle anymore. Some adults are just so strange. They act so different than children and they get so frustrated and angry with them for being children, very strange. It is such... Read More
Dear Santa, Season’s Greetings! I pray all is well with you and yours. Say hi for me to Mrs. Claus, all of your elves and reindeer. Humanity still needs your helps so we can build our utopian society. Continue to influence us so we develop robots to replace all of... Read More
Link battles Dark Link in the final scene of “Zelda II The Adventure of Link” for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Just who is this Dark Link? Does Link have to battle his shadow self to prove himself before receiving the Triforce from The Triforce Keeper?
They are always listening. If you forget an idea. Pray for the idea to return and it will manifest once again. Replay the past 60 seconds to spark memory of the misplaced idea in your mind.
Painless delivery. Increased size and IQ. Faster development. Dolphins are very fascinated with pregnant women. They are especially fascinated with women who go into labor. They will circle the mother when in labor as they use sonar to help your delivery become painless. We want our women to swim with... Read More
People before industrial civilization did not get impacted wisdom teeth. An indigenous diet is important. Shilajit resin and sea moss daily. Do not allow babies to become mouth breathers. Image 3. Basic differences in facial development of (top) a nose- and (bottom) a mouth-breather. Image 4. Skull of a pre-industrial human... Read More
It was not until 1978 with the passing of the Indian Child Welfare Act that Native American parents gained the legal right to deny their children’s placement in off-reservation schools. Native American children were forcibly removed from their parents and forcibly admitted into various boarding schools across the country... Read More
maldek-what-really-happened-havar-0954084942 MALDEK: What REALLY Happened By HAVAR Copyright 1983 ISBN 0-9540849-4-2 Whether you spell it ‘Maldek’, ‘Maldec’, or ‘Maldeck’ makes no difference, it remains the same story. The tale, as it has been related here, states that ‘Maldek’ was a planet between ‘Mars’ and ‘Jupiter’ which evolved in similar fashion... Read More
The-Complete-Neruda-Interviews-1-5.pdf The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission Neruda By Sarah, Wing Makers What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Neruda on January 2, 1998. This interview (number five) has been unpublished until March 4, 2014. Dr. Neruda gave permission for me to record his answers to my questions.... Read More
Our DNA is a cosmic mess, but a select few of us are on our way to becoming masters of the universe. Let’s guide spaceship Earth into 5D psychedelic wonder and have some fun along the way. The Mushroom Kingdom shall be our safe haven. Upon exiting, please leave all... Read More
Level up with me so we can achieve greatness. Bowser awaits us, but love conquers all. In the Mushroom Kingdom, kindness is currency as good deeds level up your consciousness. I have surrendered to love. What about you?
Humans are born asleep to asleep parents in this society which I feel is a crime and will not be tolerated in the Mushroom Kingdom. Breeding will not be a thought for humans indoctrinated in the Mushroom Kingdom unless they have awakened to the frequency of love. We awaken the... Read More
Ask the Jaguar gnawing on the ayahuasca, they will lead the way. Felines demand respect, find power in solitude, and offer a very deep love that must be earned. Much respect. As humans, we are guardians of the Earth. We must protect indigenous creatures and their beautiful habitats they emerge... Read More
Less is more, less is better. You have been conditioned to a lie, but I am here to help. Let me navigate you away from your misery. Let me navigate you away from your troubles. Let me navigate you away from your world.